Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pictures....Because I Can!

During the Christmas Week games, one of the events was to eat a cracker and then whistle.  Wilsa is proving to Morris that she can do it!  It was worth a lot of laughs!
This was hilarious!  During the Christmas Week games and races, this little puppy decided he could run with the best of them!  I think the guys are very thankful the puppy didn't beat them!
The raven pictures are for my daughter!
The ravens up here are so big!
Thank you, Bob...for loading up the tank and filling it at the school and hauling it back to the house and pumping it in through the hose to our tank.  Bob, Lani, and I all share 165 gallons per fill.
The view from the tank in the bathroom looking back across the hallway through my bedroom...out the window to the water tank on the sled.
The water hose winds its way through the house to the tank.  Check out the big cardboard box propped in the window with the blue tub!  You have to make do with whatever you have to block out that cold north wind!!
This is Lani at my bedroom window breaking off the ice so we can get the water hose the bathroom where the water tank is located.  This is what happens every time we need to fill the tank....about every two weeks or so.
Aalapaa, it's cold!  This is Steve...our principal!
Stebbins Eskimo dancers and drummers are practicing the movements for an upcoming potlatch.
Stebbins Eskimo Dancers and Drummers
Thank you, Stebbins villagers, for allowing us to watch you practice the traditional Eskimo dances and to hear the drumming and singing.  This was really impressive.
Frozen chunks of pond ice....folks go to a pond on the mainland to break out chunks for fresh drinking water.
Teachers being hauled out to the airstrip for a flight out!
Frozen snow-covered wires!

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