Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Countdown Begins!

That's not the best title for this post.  I've had many "countdowns" throughout the years concerning this "dream" of mine.  Oh, well....the title refers to the fact that it is going on midnight on Sunday, July 24.  We've been cleaning up the aftermath of the yard sale and rearranging the basement.  I have to admit that I won't have time now to go through my...hmmm...I think 17 boxes of personal kids' books before leaving.  I wanted to take some books up with me to use with the program I'll be teaching.  The previous teacher, Amy, assures me there will be plenty of resources available.  I have to laugh....after selling off so much of my accumulated teacher resources in the yard sale....I can't help but wonder if I could have retired long before now if I hadn't bought so many things for my classrooms!  I really am happy that so many of my guide books were sold.  I hope lots of people continue to get good use out of them.  Probably the warmest feeling in my heart was when someone bought my box of well used tracing stencils.  She's taking them out to Grandvue for the elderly patients to now use.  Now tell me if that's not a full circle story being that I've had those stencils from kindergarten on.  The thought of Grandvue folks using them is special.  I might see those stencils again in my lifetime!  Did you know that I was born out at Grandvue?  No lie!  Back when I was born, there was a maternity section out there.  I've told people I was born there and will probably die there.  Anyway, tomorrow is Monday....then Tuesday....then Wednesday (It's Wednesday!  It's Wednesday!  The middle of the week....!).  That little ditty is for any of my students reading this blog!  They'll understand.  So...Wednesday is my last day in East Jordan for awhile as I go "fa, fa away" (Diane M. is snickering!).  Oh, hey!  Here's a funny one for you.  A couple of weeks ago, I received a mailing from the County Court....the infamous jury duty questionnaire.  I answered all the questions and added a couple of sticky notes for clarification as to why I wouldn't be able to serve if called.  I loved the question on what the round trip from my home to court would be and I wrote 6,368 miles.  Do you think I'll get called for jury duty?  I'm going to love writing this blog.  I love to share my my students will attest to.  For now...I'm off to finish up in the basement and if I have any energy left, I have an upstairs room to attack yet.  Tomorrow...LOTS of errands and more packing.  My apologies to my friends and family calling and asking to get together for one last dinner....I'm just plum out of time.  I trust you understand.  TTFN

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